ENOSF1 (Enolase Superfamily Member 1): ENOSF1, enolase superfamily member 1, är inblandad i det cellulära svaret på tillgängligheten av vitamin B2 (riboflavin) och är associerad med cancercellers metabolism, särskilt i hur de anpassar sig till varierande näringsförhållanden. Förändringar i ENOSF1-uttrycket har studerats i samband med tumörmetabolism, vilket tyder på en potentiell roll i cancerprogressionen och utvecklingen av riktade terapier som utnyttjar cancercellernas metaboliska sårbarheter....
The DNA Methylation Test from GetTested provides a comprehensive analysis of your body’s methylation capabilities by exploring key genes such as MTHFR, COMT, BHMT, and several others. By analyzing these genes, the test offers insights into how your body manages crucial biological processes like gene expression, DNA repair, and detoxification. Methylation plays a vital role in many of the body’s functions and can influence everything from energy production to mental well-being. This test is ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding of their health at a molecular level and wishing to tailor their diet, lifestyle, and potential supplements based on personal genetic predispositions.
1 999.00 SEK