FTO (fettmassa och fetma-associerat protein): FTO-genen har fått stor uppmärksamhet på grund av sitt starka samband med fetma och BMI (body mass index) i olika populationer. Den anses påverka metaboliska processer som energihomeostas och fettlagring. Forskning tyder på att variationer i FTO-genen kan påverka aptiten och energiförbrukningen, vilket gör den till en kritisk gen för att förstå och eventuellt behandla fetma. ....
The GetTested DNA Metabolic Health Test provides you with an in-depth understanding of your metabolic health by analyzing 240 carefully selected genes. This comprehensive analysis offers insights into your metabolism, blood sugar, weight, thyroid, parathyroid, and much more, along with personalized recommendations based on your genetics.
1 999.00 SEK
DNA Diet & Nutrition from GetTested is a health test that analyses your genetic variations to provide a detailed understanding of how your body processes various nutrients. Utilizing a simple saliva sample for DNA collection, this test delivers insights into your genetic makeup related to diet and nutrition. It offers a personalized analysis of macronutrients, fat metabolism, vitamin and mineral requirements, as well as genetic predispositions to various sensitivities/intolerances and eating behaviors.
1 999.00 SEK