GLIS3 (GLIS-familjens zinkfinger 3): GLIS3 är en transkriptionsfaktor som spelar en viktig roll i regleringen av genuttryck i olika biologiska processer, inklusive sköldkörtelhormonsignalering och betacellsutveckling i bukspottkörteln. Mutationer i GLIS3 har kopplats till en rad olika sjukdomar, inklusive medfödd hypotyreos och neonatal diabetes, vilket understryker dess betydelse för endokrin funktion och utveckling. ....
The GetTested DNA Metabolic Health Test provides you with an in-depth understanding of your metabolic health by analyzing 240 carefully selected genes. This comprehensive analysis offers insights into your metabolism, blood sugar, weight, thyroid, parathyroid, and much more, along with personalized recommendations based on your genetics.
1 999.00 SEK
GetTested’s DNA Brain Health test provides a detailed genetic analysis of 288 genes to understand factors that affect your mental health. This at-home test examines specific genes related to memory, stress management, anxiety susceptibility, and mood swings, offering a comprehensive insight into how your unique genetic makeup impacts your mental well-being.
1 999.00 SEK